Today was a people day - as long as you discount the short (well 5 hours!) drive. We went thought some beautiful scenery in the lake district, south of Tuncurry, until we met the M1 south again. Then apart from hitting traffic in the suburbs of Sydney it was plain sailing.

Lovely to meet up with Louise, an old friend and teaching colleague of Nareesa's from her south east London days. And good pick for lunch cafe, Louise, the Bella Vista it certainly was with views over Manly to the Sydney skyline beyond.
Then on to a suburb of a suburb - North Curl Curl, kind of a part of Manly really, (no idea why it is Curl x 2) to meet and stay with Mike, Nareesa's friend from university. Dog walking on the beach here does not look too onerous - but note the down jackets, it gets down to below 20 here in the evening!

We then had our first genuine domestic Aussie barbie, and drank too much wine! No change there then.

Not much else to say - great day though. Haven't quite got used to the millions of people around yet, but I guess we will!