So the big question on 29 March is … is there a market for a “Guide to the Cafes of Kirkenes”. I’m hoping so; I could definitely write one. This is just one of them.
Oh, yes, the other big question on 29 March - are we leaving?
Can I just say (because as you know I have been quiet on this issue up to now)… So here we are at the end of a tortuous 3 years in which our ignorant, stupid, venal and frankly useless Prime Minister submits half her fucking awful deal to the Commons yet again, symbolically perhaps on the day we were actually supposed to leave. She spends 2 and half years fannying around with no clue as to what she is doing and then runs down the clock in the hope that parliament will either be so bored or fed up they will vote for anything to end it. Except it won’t end it - we will then be subjected to the spectacle of the Conservative party tearing itself apart to see which narcissist is left standing to negotiate the terms of our future relationship, with the sole intention of enriching themselves and their entitled friends, without giving a damn about the impact on the country and its people.
If she gets it through it will only show me what a spineless bunch of self-serving tossers most of our MPs have become, including the supposed “leader” of the opposition, whose ineffectiveness is only surpassed by his duplicitousness.
Right, got that off my chest. Other have put this much more elegantly and frankly more reasonably. If you are at all interested can I suggest Martin Fletcher in the New Statesman:
Maybe if MPs vote May’s deal through, I will just stay in Norway, within the EEA and EFTA - after all they know me in all the cafes now! I've just seen she lost again. I'll leave my rant in place, don't want to waste it!

Oh, yeah back to the travel blog…on the plus side, its a beautiful cold crisp day here in the Arctic, and I can walk to my hearts content through woods and around the inlets of the Barents Sea. My only problem is I have to be careful how much uphill I have walked, because my new titanium, cobalt & chromium (seriously!) knee still does not liking walking down them. If I am not careful I will find my self stuck at the top of a hill waving as the boat sails away tomorrow morning! More pictures on the Kirkenes page of the Gallery Norway.

I’ve just found myself back at the port, where the next Hurtigruten boat is just heading back south. Having worried that I had planned for roughly 44 hours too many in Kirkenes, I am now feeling wonderfully relaxed about being here for another 24. Must just make sure I don't have this view of the boat tomorrow. I had a brilliant dinner in the hotel last night overlooking the sea; fresh “guttural” fish (well, thats what it sounded like in Norwegian) straight from the Barents Sea. I ignored the prices on the menu, otherwise, I would have settled for bread and water.
And it is amazing what a sunny morning does for the sense of positivity. On days like this the beauty of the natural environment raises my spirits and makes me feel a sense of peace with the world. Now the very remoteness of where I am feels like a bonus, and after a long walk I am back at my favourite cafe for well deserved coffee (and cake, obvs).

And, apropos of absolutely nothing, but I just liked the pictures on my travels today, ... I think it is a while since this car exceeded the speed limit and I presume this sign also requires one to dampen ones wind! Nuff said.
And finally the most important thing today - happy birthday Andrew! (Though I doubt you are reading this shit!)