Its 6am in Washington, but 11am back home. Have been up since about 4 after a long days traveling. Not much to show photographically for a day’s wandering, taken up as it was mostly by airports and car hire - just a happy selfie of Jo and I, pre-boarding and a standard issue motel room on the outskirts of Washington. Hopefully I will improve on that over the next week or so, but for now its just rambling words…

Once upon a time, in a far away galaxy (called Liverpool), three young(ish) wannabe teachers, met to make the life of their tutor hell for almost a year, before being let loose on the education world, to then terrorise the lives of young innocents in schools as distant as Lincolnshire, Leeds, Lancashire and (the only one not beginning with L) North Carolina!
Believe it or not that was almost 40 years ago!
So Joanna and I, having successfully negotiated US immigration and picked up our car, have arrived on the other side of the big pond and will soon be on our way to catch up with Helen, the American escapee.
But not before we have checked in for a well deserved night’s rest in a salubrious Red Roof Motel, just outside Washington DC - a place called Manassas, site of a civil war battle that on this occasion will have to be missed. (Eric, its like Shiloh, all over again!)
So, not really much to write about this early morning - it was after all a flight day - London to Washington on a 747 - pretty routine really. But just enough time and space to explain that the title reference, for those that don’t know their James Taylor, is of course to his North Carolina unofficial state anthem “Carolina in My Mind”. Something tells me that will be playing in my head for sometime - we might even cross the state line tomorrow with it playing on Spotify! So, useless fact for the day - Taylor, while recording his first album with the Beatles label, wrote the song in London while dreamily thinking about his much missed home.
That had better do for now - time to get on the road. 250 miles or so to Raleigh. Don’t even know the way!