The way June and July are going I am beginning to feel like a stranger in my own country - and that’s before I achieve Irish citizenship (if I ever do - apparently the backlog of applications is so long it is taking over a year to process). But for now I am making good use of my membership of the European Union, with a short trip to Krakow with the old chuffers gang - Nareesa, Steve, Lisa, Eric & Helen. Not sure how they feel about being the subject of a blog, so I will choose the easy way out and not tell them. They can complain to the ombudsman after publication for any errors of fact - and there will likely be many, especially related to them. No laptop with me so uploading via the mobile app, which restricts the layout somewhat - but, dear reader, you will be relieved to know, also restricts the amount I can write! So not expecting to post daily, unless the gang get fed up of me and enforce me to be alone! Lisa and I have been here before, but for everyone else it is a first trip to Krakow and, I think, Poland. An impenetrable language to us monolingual Brits, despite the fact that most Poles in the UK seem to manage perfectly well in English - before and after we made them feel unwelcome with our xenophobic vote to leave the EU. As always while traveling in Europe I will do what I can to promote my views and the views of my fellow remainers, and advocate for tolerance, multi-nationalism and friendship across arbitrary borders. I am still a citizen of the UK, the EU and the world. No, Theresa May, I am not a “citizen of nowhere”. And I haven’t forgiven you, or your idiot predecessor, despite the fact we are very likely to get much worse in the form of a lying narcissist. So, great start then, 3 paragraphs completed and I haven’t actually mentioned Poland as a destination.
So just for starters, here’s a couple of early pics of Krakow, home for the next 5 days...