Miles today = 132 (lots of B roads, C roads and roads that don’t have a letter!)
Miles so far = 257
Countries visited = 2 (I’m counting Somerset as a separate country)
One of these days we will succumb to the joys of a sat nav but for now we prefer to simply get lost anywhere in the wilds of Britain, Europe or pretty much anywhere you can take a motorbike.

Which is presumably why we find ourselves crawling up hedge lined, single track road where the volume (or lack) of traffic appears to have led to the grass growing down the centre. No idea where we are, but I understand from the idiot from Yeovil that we are actually in the country of Somerset…somewhere.
Luckily our navigational skills (or blind luck) leads us eventually to Devon, although disappointingly I wasn’t allowed to stop for a cream tea. Through villages called places like Crapstone (possibly a liet motif for our mornings) or Huish Episcopi (for further divine inspiration).
But even before we left Warminster, I managed to walk 3 miles and fail to find the Minster, which apparently exists as Rob and Eric found it - or at least they told me they did. I blame Google Maps - its “definitely” not where they say it is. Which could be another reason we keep getting lost. And they found a beautiful door designed by old Chris Wren. I just got the picture.

Highlight of the day: a visit to the village of Bruton, the scene of Steve’s first and last judo fight, which he of course lost ignominiously (so which we threatened to dump him on his back in the river). Strangely, he ran away. Oh, yes, and a house that you apparently have to wind up!!!

A required (by me) stop for coffee (and cake!, then a swift dash across Dartmoor, where Steve (its always Steve!) had a close(ish) encounter with a sheep, which reminded us why the speed limit is 40. No damage done - to the sheep or Steve; just a rather rapid stop, and a few drama queen expletives.
And so to the ferry - perfect timing in the end … a very big boat from Plymouth, through the Bay of Biscay and onto Santander tomorrow. Forgot to take pics of the boat so a view looking back over the Hoe is the best I can do - looking good though. Only 24 hours till we see land again.

If the wifi works on the boat this will be posted tonight. If not sometime later…
And this is the google maps picture of where we are - for our Aussie friends obviously!! (tee hee)