I shall refrain from a final rant, tempted though I am by the incompetence of Vancouver airport's security, run, perhaps not surprisingly, by one of our great exports, G4S! Approximately a dozen evening flights out and one (yes one!) security lane open. OK, I said I wouldn't rant - leave it!

So with mindful calmness I bring this latest trip to a close. Not much to add other than a fitting end as we caught up with Andy, son of my Liverpool University friend Joanna, for a our final lunch. And given that we have eaten Japanese food in the biggest Asian city outside Asia, roughly, what ... every day, we thought it only fitting to finish with an excellent bowl of ramen. So just for Jo (and Syd and Matt) here we are post-lunch and preparing to head our separate ways - Andy back to work and us across the pond again.
Earlier, before the rain started we had again wandered the shoreline of Steveston, finding a little more about the original canning industry from which the "village" developed along side the Fraser River. As usual I have forgotten most of what I read and forgotten to record it with pictures.
We also managed a final light breakfast with Nancy & John, during which we received the photographic evidence, from Sally and Bob, of the utter silliness of New Year's Eve. Seems like a fitting end to this blog to simply share those with the world! - see below.
Thank you again to the family and friends that have hosted us on this wonderful Christmas trip. Aside from missing the Yukon, it has been yet another magical chapter in our lives. Time for a rest from this drivel. South Africa in March will likely be my next effort to bore you all stupid. Until then, au revoir...