Well not strictly the Broads, as we are actually on the North Norfolk coast, in the picturesque village of Blakeney, down the road from Cromer and Sherringham.
Having sacrificed a safari trip to South Africa, two days after lockdown began, and a motorbike trip to Ireland in April/May, we decided to take the risk of booking a rather nice cottage for the first week of August, soon after the relaxation of restrictions was announced. Not that I put much store on government announcements made by a pathological liar and narcissist. But hey, if classic Dom (with due acknowledgement to John Crace of the Guardian) can drive to Barnard Castle for an eye test, I’m sure we can manage a socially distanced 7 days in Norfolk.
Our social distancing started with a visit to old friend and colleague Kate, just outside Cambridge - forgot to take pictures, too distracted by the delicious banana muffins I was forced to eat! - in the garden, with the chickens obviously.

Then to our “luxurious” cottage! Well, its not bad, although if this is their enhanced Covid-19 cleaning, then Nareesa is not impressed with their standard attempt. We also found a fridge door that would not close, only mentioned here because when the maintenance person arrived 48 hours later to fix it, it took him all of 30 seconds to reverse one of the shelves and close the door without any difficulty. Hmm, think possibly we could have managed that! I'm not known in my family as a DIY idiot for nothing!

Anyway, to the holiday… beautiful landscapes - wide open vistas, marshes and boats a plenty. Families fishing for crabs, paddle boarders splashing and falling off, sailors piloting dinghies through narrow channels, and kids just having fun in the mud! Who needs the Costa Del Sol?
We’ve managed to do a couple of 12 mile walks in the first two days (well Nareesa has, I copped out today and went for a bike ride instead!) Well, she is in training for her big charity walk later his month.
And so far, the sun hasn’t stopped shining! What’s not to like?