Miles today: 250
Miles so far: 2235

Sometime ago (not in a universe far far away) I realised that I might be able (if I really wanted to, and I was stupid enough - and clearly I am) to visit all 50 states of the USA. Yes, it is sad, and probably even sadder that I am admitting this in public. But you know, we all have to have dreams and ambitions! 🤣

And as it happens, Kansas is number 42. Now only 8 to go, and unless Eric and Rob do the dirty on me and renege on a promise, Oklahoma should follow soon after. Missouri, Indiana & Kentucky are lined up for later when Nareesa comes out to join me, so I should be only 4 short by the end of this trip. So all I have to do is work out a road trip that takes in Iowa, Ohio, Vermont & Maine! Simples! Like I said - sad! And mad!

Anyway, back to this road trip. Another longish day on the bikes, with a stop for an excellent breakfast served by people who apparently think Nancy Pelosi to be the devil in some place I can't even remember. I'm assuming our politics would not be aligned.
Then the highlight of the day, a visit to the Golden Spike Tower in North Platte, Nebraska. The largest railway yard in the world. Could this blog get any sadder?

As it happens, it is again an example of where the hyperbole is actually justified. The yard is over 8 miles long and 2 miles wide, and has a staggering 301 parallel railway lines! Approximately 14,000 rail wagons are sorted and attached to trains to various direction every day! The trip to the top of the "spike" tower was more than worth the 8 bucks even if the pictures that resulted don't really convey the scale of the place. So, much to our surprise, we rather enjoyed our visit, having really only picked it out because it was on the route!

The other thing of note in the last 24 hours was our encounter with our delightful server Austin, in the Steel Bar and Grill in Bridgeport, Nebraska, last night. We managed to tear him away from his duties at the end of his shift and corrupt him with a game of shithead, which the cheeky bugger then went on to win. Clearly a fast learner, unlike Eric and I who are still occasionally asking what is the meaning of the 8 card!
Austin, I am sorry we forgot to take a silly selfie with you last night, but if you are reading this rubbish we all wish you every success in your adventures in Maine. Good luck.
That's all for today. We are heading for Dodge City tomorrow to celebrate Rob's birthday. What could possibly go wrong? Not sure if a blog will be produced tomorrow, but I will catch up when I can.
Sounds like you're on a non-stop holiday these days! :) When you get to Kentucky you might want to check out the Ark Encounter ( As far as I remember it's one of the biggest timber structures in the world and you'll probably find the contents both fascinating and highly infuriating. ;)