Day 10 - heading home to isolate!
That is it for this trip.

Just a little teaser with a picture taken as I left the Hurtigruten boat on Monday. I thought I might run a small sweepstake for nominating which bag is mine.
Hmm, don’t think I will give out any prizes though. And mine includes an extra down jacket, a waterproof, a pair of training shoes, an extra pair of ridiculous mittens and a tripod! (Haven’t needed that, don’t know why I bothered - you can't keep a camera steady on a boat even with a tripod you fool!). Clearly I don't have any clothes with me!
It's been a brilliant 10 days. I've barely spoken to anyone other than to order coffee or say "takk", with the notable exception of the Dubliner in The Dubliner (whose name I do not even know). I've fulfilled an ambition to be where the sun does not rise all day and I've seen some of the most beautiful scenery on earth. Can't be bad, and I've even left a few things to come back for, but probably in the summer. Think I fancy a bit of midnight sun! Norwegians have been universally friendly, polite and welcoming. Norway is a fantastic country to visit.

I am now at Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport awaiting my flight home, having a coffee, what else? The Omicron variant might yet play havoc with our plans for 2022 but more importantly, if I might sign off with the last bit of politics, I hope it finally galvanises western governments into sharing the copious supplies of vaccines with poorer countries. We were warned that until people all over the world are safe then nobody is safe. Not only is it morally repugnant that we horde the vaccines it turns out it isn’t even in our own interests. As was predicted by many commentators and scientists. Maybe now our useless and corrupt government will get the message. I doubt it, our prime minister is incapable of seeing beyond his own ego.
Think I better sign off now. I’ve had an unbelievably fabulous time. Slightly sad I'm not going on to Copenhagen to meet Nareesa, Brian and Joanne, but there will be another time. And it will be good to get out of the cold! If anyone has enjoyed even a bit of this outpouring of verbal diarrhoea then I am grateful. But as I have said before, I write it largely for selfish reasons, it provides me with a kind of purpose and a permanent record of my times on the road.
I’ll leave the last words to Christiane Ritter, my new hero, who said in her later years:
“A year in the Arctic should be compulsory for everyone. Then you will come to realise what’s important in life and what isn’t.”
Maybe not a whole year?!
Bye for now. I'll be back (so the last words actually go to Arnie)

Thank you for all the fantastic photo's. Glad you have followed in your Dad's footsteps by being an explorer. You comments about your P.M. sounds like the stupidity of our P.
... ps, I'm going for rucksack!
What a fabulous final picture to sign off with! I am a huge fan of the moon (nothing spiritual I just find it fascinating) so that picture resonates with me!
So glad you've had a good time Alan - what a trip. I completely get the idea of going somewhere basic and realising that we don't need (anywhere) as much as we think we do but, as you say, a year may be about 48 weeks too long in the Arctic!!
Look forward to catching up with you soon for a proper debrief. Have a safe final part of your journey.