Miles today: 130
Miles so far: 130
Blimey, we thought it was hot in Vegas. The road into and out of the Hoover Dam, the temperature gauge on Rob's bike briefly hit 125ºF. That is over 50ºC. WTF! That might account for why, when we rolled across the actual dam, at a very sedentary 15mph, we were all basically melting. Cue quick stop for photos, down a big bottle of water in an air conditioned concession shop and get the hell out of Dodge. At least when you are moving, there is a bit of a breeze, albeit a bit like being wafted by a hair dryer.

So having spent the first couple of hours out of Vegas at 43ºC or above, we were thankful as we climbed slowly off the desert floor (or whatever it is called), onto the Colorado plateau, roughly 1000m or so higher, the temperature finally dropped into the 90sF. I never thought I would see the time when I thought a temperature of 38ºC was cool.

But was it all worth it?, I hear you ask. Or maybe not. But the answer is already a resounding yes. This is where we are staying this evening. We are less than a mile from the rim of the Grand Canyon, staying in a rustic cabin, owned and run by the Hualapai nation. If we weren't so hot and sticky we might have walked it. But it can wait until tomorrow.

On arrival at about 4.45pm we discovered the restaurant shut at 4.30pm! Huh? And there is no bar - the whole palace is dry! The staff joyfully told us we would need to go 12 miles back down the road to the nearest place to eat, but ... (drum roll please), they had frozen burritos we could heat up in our personal microwave! We chose the burritos. Have done enough miles on a hot bike today.

And, do you know what?, we absolutely love it! Remote is what we are looking for and remote is what we have got. As I type this I am sitting on our verandah, its finally dropped to below 30º and I am gazing at the changing colours of the north rim of the canyon. Beautiful doesn't cover it!

So to round up for today and before I wax too lyrically about the amazing landscape of the American south west (which I'm sure I will, probably endlessly), just a few more reflections on our day in Las Vegas. First up the magnificent Ballagio, where we didn't stay! But we did see the fountain display, to the accompaniment of the Beatles performing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (not live obvs)

36 hours was enough for me, but we managed to pack it in. Dozens of casinos visited, zero casinos placed a bet in - I lie, Rob came out 6 bucks up on a 10 dollar reckless gamble on blackjack machine. Minimum bets have raised to $15, $25, $50 or even more. We found a blackjack table with minimum bets of $500! Too rich for us! My $20 allowance for blackjack would likely be gone in one hand. You look a bit of mug! But gambling doesn't really do it for me anyway. But the sites and sounds of the casinos - they are a bit of fun. Although most still allow smoking! Feels very out of date.

And to keep us awake (just) we took in a show. Shania Twain was sadly sold out, so we made do with a Motown Tribute group. Lots of fun and we just about stayed awake long enough to see it through to 10pm, followed by a night cap in a "duelling piano bar" - all the rage here apparently. Two very talented pianists bashing out well known tunes and singing, mostly tunelessly!

And that was it for Vegas. Until next time ... in three weeks time! I'll leave you with some pictures:
The frankly mad Venetian - with its 500m (a guess) canal on the first floor.

This is actually indoors! St Mark's Square presumably.

And this - virtually a Canaletto!

Three idiots

Just one idiot brave enough to go on the New York New York rollercoaster. Look at that face!

And finally, two of the three happy idiots picking up their bikes this morning!

Fantastic. Serious question (this time): No shots of your kit yet - except at the pick-up. Given the extreme heat, do you just wear those t-shirts and shorts - or leathers for safety? Can't imagine the leathers - dumb question.
Looking at the pictures, I am still trying to "digest" the complete contrast between Vegas and the Grand Canyon! Couldn't be more juxtaposed. Have fun.