Not much to say other than to gloat really. Don't you just hate that? As the UK bears up to what already sounds like a wet and dreary early spring, we have again found ourselves at the lucky end of the weather dice. Other than forgetting to bring our swimming togs to Mangawhai Heads beach, I can't think of a thing to improve today.

A cooked breakfast chez Jones, followed by a wander round the local market...

...where we actually bought two things. And I rather liked the fact that these two had set up next to each other. I wonder what they talk about?

Then coffee in a rather nice chocolatier (yes, of course chocolate was bought and consumed), and a long walk along the aforementioned pristine beach. Walking on the sand - good for my foot too, so I am putting that down as physiotherapy.

Like I say not much to say about it really. So here are the pictures to send everyone back home green. And for a starters this is the view we woke up to at Gareth and Sue's place. Not too shabby.

Yesterday, however, our drive up here did remind us of the landslides that this part of New Zealand has had to contend with. Too busy avoiding the pot holes and slowing down for the buckled roads to take pictures, but a reminder, non the less, that even paradise comes at a cost sometimes. We have been very lucky with our timing and it looks like with the exception of one day next week, there is little rain in the forecast. I really am sending every possible wish to everyone back home for some sunshine and warmth soon.

Last night, on arrival, and after a surprise birthday cake - for all our birthdays - mine on Thursday, Gareth's next Thursday and Sue's the following Thursday, we headed out straight out to the local Mangawhai Tavern for the customary dozen pints and a few chasers. He hasn't changed a bit! Although to be fair Gareth's idea of a chaser is another pint! He doesn't do Guinness though, which on St Patricks Day is tantamount to sacrilege. Nareesa does though!

And so do I. Happy St Patrick's Day. (I'm Irish you know)

And so back to Thursday - aka Bus Pass Day, State Pension Day - yep, I turned the grand old age of 42. Having dropped Michelle at the airport first thing, Nareesa first treated me to breakfast and later to an excellent pizza in a local Italian restaurant in Browns Bay.

A walk on the beach and it was a complete day. Nothing flash, but just what I wanted. And I got a fancy new t shirt too. For a man lucky enough to want for nothing, I couldn't be happier.

More celebrations to come, as Gareth turns the same ripe old age next week and we have bookings for some posh restaurant in Auckland. Better get the beers in!
A few more pictures of the beach. Sorry!


In either direction

And a pair of eejits, to finish off.

See you back in Auckland!