And so here we go again. Not sure if anyone wants to see or hear any of this anymore. I've subjected you to 3 weeks of idiots blundering around the southwest of the USA on bikes and now I've been joined by Nareesa. Will it calm me down? I doubt it.
Rob has headed home for a well earned rest but for the first few days of holiday part two, we sponged a lift in Eric & Helen's hire car, for another trip to the west rim of the Grand Canyon, then south into the Verde Valley of Arizona before they finally dumped us in Flagstaff to start our journey east.

But before even that, the five of us managed to fit in a Vegas show. I have to admit to having rather low expectations. The Mowtown Show we had seen 3 weeks ago was a good night out but somewhat underwhelming as a "spectacular". But the same could not be said of Ka by Cirque du Soleil. It was absolutely amazing! No photographs allowed in the auditorium, so I've had a nick a few from the net.

They run across the top of these, and skip(!), while they rotate!

Being a permanently sited show in the MGM Grand, they could build what was the most elaborate staging I have ever seen - all $165m worth, I believe! Given that our concierge (blimey, how posh am I?) had managed to get us decent seats for 50 bucks plus tax, I think I can honestly say it was one of the best stage productions I have ever seen. Worth spending another night in Vegas for! But I really do think this is my last visit!

From there we retraced our bike steps, having persuaded Nareesa and Helen that the helicopter trip into the Grand Canyon was really worth it. But more than that, the isolation, the quiet and the beauty of the canyon rim in contrast with Vegas, was worth it alone. We again saw fabulous sunsets and sunrises and even got some dramatic skies with thunderstorms circling around. Prepared as we were for the lack of a restaurant, we had stocked up on crisps, chocolate and wine. But I still ended up eating a frozen bean and cheese burrito! It would have seemed wrong not to!

Sunset - the other way


Sunrise from our cabin

Down in the canyon


Tranquil and peaceful, even with me in it!

We even managed a stop at the Hoover Dam this time - it being a mere 32ºC, and we were dressed in shorts and t- shirts, not heavy motorcycle gear. It turned out to be a very informative visitor centre. When built, it was the world's biggest dam, and the building of it was undoubtedly an engineering marvel. But they are still running out of water. Behind this dam and the Glen Canyon one at the other end of the Grand Canyon the water levels are steadily falling. I am not sure they have much of a plan to do anything about it if the building we had seen outside Vegas is anything to go by.

From the Grand Canyon (I found it hard to tear myself away, as I really do think this will be my last visit), we managed a bit of Route 66 for the obligatory silly selfie. Nareesa and Helen are getting used to this nonsense.

Then we headed south to Prescott, the old state capital of Arizona. Another revelation - after all our efforts to find cute little towns with multiple bars and restaurants in cowboy country, we found it in spades here. While the jet lag caught up with the women, Eric and I even found a fabulous old saloon with the classic, swing doors, where we ordered shots of red eye and had them slid down the bar to us. (Might have dreamt that last bit)

We stayed in the magnificent Hassayampa Inn.

Our final sponged lift was to Flagstaff, where we said goodbye to Helen and Eric - they are heading further north, then east and eventually back to Vegas. But first we managed an excellent night out in a town I am very fond of. We stayed here with friends, Mary & Wayne, over new year of 2002/03, after which their daughters Monica and Alison looked after our truck and tailer for a couple of months while we avoided the cold by galavanting around Australia and New Zealand. They have since all moved to the pacific north west, but anybody mad enough to be a regular reader of this nonsense will have seen them featured in blogs earlier this year. I have realised I have just about spent half of this year to date in America. I might have to apply for residence!

OK, that's me up to date. We are taking the train from here to Kansas City, Missouri (which I am embarrassed to admit I am excited about for a number of reasons, but one of them is that Missouri is state number 44 - yep, sad!).
Given we will be on the train for 26 hours and will pass endless prairies in Kansas before we get there, there will probably be time for some more ramblings - sorry! But we do have to be up early to catch the train at 4.20am! There is only one a day.
So, finally a shout out for the magnificent Museum of Northern Arizona where the history of the local Pueblo people is displayed superbly. And apologies to the ranger at Aztec Ruins because it became apparent that there are some parts of their oral history they are simply not prepared to share with others. So maybe he was right and I was wrong! I can do humble pie.

Some last pictures...
Excellent museum

The amazing Ka

Happy bunnies

Happy bunnies

Travelling light! Is this really me?

Sadly, probably my last view of the amazing Grand Canyon! All things come to an end.

Not the end, or even goodbye. Just Adieu..
Seems to have been an epic adventure. I’ve enjoyed it vicariously. I insist you go back; can’t quite cope with the finality implicit in your comments!