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  • Writer's pictureThe Bald Journaller

Walking with giants

Today, I is mostly talking about trees!

Big trees, massive trees, veritable giants of trees. Come to think of it, giants of anything! Aren't redwoods brilliant! That tiny purple dot is Nareesa.

A trip down memory lane had us in Redwood National Park amongst the giant redwood trees that seem to stretch upwards into the sky for ever. We had last walked here 20 years ago and (I) wanted to revisit. To savour that unusual quiet in a forest with few people and apparently very little wildlife. We heard no birdsong, no voices most of the time and our silence was punctuated by only the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind or a drop of water from one of the higher branches pinging onto a lower leaf. Other than that - blissful, peaceful, mindful ... quiet.

It really is a magnificent place and at this time of the year there are few visitors. The weather was kind to us again today, the early rain showers blowing away to reveal a mostly sunny (if not too warm) glorious afternoon. Just perfect for a stroll in the woods. And, of the few visitors that are there, many don't venture that far from the car park, so it often felt like we had the place to ourselves.

And to top it all it gave me an opportunity to work off some of the oversized breakfast of pancakes and bacon I had "accidentally" ordered at Double D's.

I think the proprietors were called David and Deborah, or Desmond and Desdemona - but it might have meant something else!

We again punctuated our trip down the coast with any number of "vista pull-ins", sometimes it feeling like each one was trying to outdo the previous one for sheer beauty and wildness.

That's all my words for today. We've crossed into California, and we are staying in city called Eureka. Let's see what we can discover this evening... In the meantime a few pictures from the day. Look up!

A pair of eejets at Arch Rock

Hedgehog Rock (my name for it)

Just one eejet

And, just a couple from yesterday that didn't make it due to the duff broadband at last night's hotel. First, a mad hair day at Cape Blanco.

And yep, he's an idiot! Taking a selfie in Bandon. You are here!

What a beach!

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Unknown member
Apr 13, 2022

Many thanks for the wonderful photo's. Never been to that part of our world. Safe Travel.


Sean Parker
Sean Parker
Apr 13, 2022

That lot are going to make some "photo album"! Fabulous pics of those magnificent trees. makes you think about what we have been doing to the planet all these years - nature just works!!

Enjoy California.

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