Miles today: 205
Miles so far: 1355

Not really much to say about today. Phew, I hear you say. It has been another spectacular ride through the mountains of Colorado, along the Peak to Peak Highway from Black Hawk to Estes Park, just skirting the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. Another absolutely fabulous road, recently surfaced and only marginally spoilt by the ludicrously set speed limits, which we eventually decided must be advisory! 😉 I think we got so excited by the ride, we forgot to take any pictures, except in the rather delightful town of Central City, where apparently there are exactly 3 trouble makers! Perhaps they meant us! And one face on bar room floor! Oh, and four bears!

Oh, and we just had to stop at the Train Cars Cafe.

Our usual approach to planning (ie, not doing much) brought us via serendipity to this brilliant cafe in Nederland, roughly half way up the Peak to Peak. Not only world famous doughnuts, but possibly the best coffee I have had on this trip. And all housed in a old railway carriage! What's not to like?

And I nearly forgot - we did see a moose on the Peak to Peak. It's in there somewhere!

From Estes we headed right off the beaten track through a very quirky Masonville on roads with names but no numbers. I'm not sure how well this completely bonkers place in the middle of nowhere, survives selling mostly bridal wear! I didn't have the guts to take a picture inside as the owner was watching and I suspect I would not be the first to try - or indeed the first to be shown the door. Amazing array of dresses though - for a population of about 10, as far as I could see! We do find some gloriously mad places on these trips.

That was followed by yet another amazing twisty road with optional speed limits, until we just about hit the Wyoming border. But we had one final stop in yet another quirky cafe miles from anywhere. Good sandwich though! And its been there for about 150 years so it must be doing something right! And just look at the colour of the sky!

And so we find ourselves tonight in Laramie. We are out of the mountains and back up to 25ºC+. Not sure what we will find yet, but we are already surprised to find it is a city of 30k people and not the quaint old western town we were expecting. But it is yet to be explored.